
The educational and scientific centre of mental health has been established at Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy. It is headed by a Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Yuliia Sidenko.

The structural unit of the university conducts activities for the development of mental health care, raising the level of mental health services and psychosocial support in Ukraine.

The activities of the mental health centre are aimed at organizing and conducting educational events and scientific research, providing comprehensive social services in the field of mental health.

Its main tasks are participation in the implementation of state and regional target programs and projects; development and implementation of social assistance programs for persons in need of additional support; development and implementation of programs for the prevention of risks in the field of mental health, suicide prevention and support for persons facing traumatic events, bullying, juvenile crime; participation in the development of programs aimed at reducing stigma, discrimination and social barriers; prevention programs, especially for at-risk groups; programs that build resilience in individuals, families and communities.

Participation in projects aimed at supporting the mental health of the educational process participants and the population of the Cherkasy region is also expected as well as psychoeducational and consultative activities.

At the mental health centre, BKNUC scientists will develop specialized training courses and programs, methodological recommendations on mental health issues and their integration into the educational process. The most pressing problems of modern psychological science and social practice, issues of psychology and pedagogy of higher education will be investigated. Mental health problems of war veterans, their family members, and family members of fallen (deceased) defenders of Ukraine will be studied in order to develop rehabilitation and recovery programs based on factual data.

Research work of students, monitoring of the provision of psychosocial services, assessment of their quality will also be carried out.

The activities of the centre will contribute to the development of the university’s medical-rehabilitation and social-psychological bases.

Mental health awareness campaigns, educational initiatives to reduce stigma, cooperation with the media, educational institutions, civic associations and other stakeholders to raise public awareness of mental health issues will be organized.

The staff of the mental health centre in the course of their activities can conduct fundamental research in the fields of physical rehabilitation, social work and social welfare, age, medical, social psychology, management psychology and organizational psychology as well as create an information database on the main areas of activity.

Rector Oleksandr Cherevko emphasized that not only scientists are paying attention to the issue of mental health. It is raised at the state level.

– Today, there are hundreds of students studying at BKNUC, whose family members are military personnel. Some have lost relatives or are forced to relocate from the war zones. All of them need special assistance and support. This is what, first of all, the educational and scientific centre of mental health will deal with. Although the scope of its activity will be much broader. This is research and popularization of this topic, its introduction into the educational process, etc. Science must meet the challenges of the time and be useful to society, Oleksandr Volodymyrovych noted.

Press Office of Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy

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