
Representatives of Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy – First Vice-Rector Vasyl Moisiienko and Professor Tetiana Zaporozhets – took part in the international scientific conference “Studia Środkowo-wschodnioeuropejskie. Perspektywy rozwoju” (“Central and Eastern European Studies. Perspectives of Development”).

The event was held at the University of Warsaw.

Over two days, discussions were held in seven sections, covering topics such as:

– successful practices in implementing Ukrainian studies at the University of Cambridge, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Harvard University;

– problems of migration and its consequences for the education system and the economy, in particular, in the context of the migration of Ukrainians to Poland;

– the issue of decolonization of Slavic studies, historiography, prohibition of the use of Russian publications;

– successful cases of cooperation between Ukrainian and Polish universities (rectors Iryna Vakhovych, Taras Dobko and Ihor Tsependa).

Deputy Ministers of Higher Education of Ukraine and Poland, Mykhailo Vynnytskyi and Andrzej Szeptycki, outlined the prospects for future cooperation in the field of higher education of both countries.

This conference was the finalization of the first stage of the project “Innovative University and Leadership. Phase VII. Models of higher education institutions and development strategies”, which was organized by Taras Finikov and his Polish partner Robert Sucharski (the University of Warsaw).

Press Office of Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy

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