
Vice-Rector for Scientific, Innovation Activities Oleksandr Spriahailo and Head of the International Relations Office Oleksandra Demianenko held a meeting with Olha Poliukhovych, Vice-President for Research and Academic Affairs of National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.

Together with 15 institutions of higher education from Belgium, Great Britain, Georgia, Estonia, Canada, China, Germany, New Zealand, the USA, France, the Czech Republic, and Sweden, both universities are involved in the implementation of an international research project within the framework of the European Union Jean Monnet programme “Challenges and opportunities of EU heritage diplomacy in Ukraine”.

Establishing and developing partnerships with Ukrainian and foreign institutions of higher education has been an unchanging tradition of Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy for many years. We have repeatedly convinced ourselves that the joint efforts of the academic community open up new opportunities for a quick and effective response to modern challenges, both within our country and at the global level, Oleksandr Spriahailo noted.

During the meeting, university representatives discussed directions for further scientific cooperation, joint submission of research projects and their implementation.

– Partnerships in modern conditions are the key to the success of educational institutions, which helps to strengthen scientific potential, develop a network of contacts and create a solid foundation for the implementation of joint ideas. In addition, personal contacts are the most important for building stable cooperation based on mutual understanding and mutual support, Oleksandra Demianenko concludes.


International Relations Office