Modern web space should be accessible to all users, regardless of their physical abilities.
Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy has always strived to ensure equal access to information for everyone who needs it. At the initiative of the university’s departments – Digital Transformation, Information and Public Relations, as well as the Information and Computing Centre – the principles of web accessibility have been reviewed and implemented on the official website of BKNUC.
Web Accessibility is an approach to developing web resources that allows the website to be used by people with different needs, in particular, with visual impairments (low vision, colour blindness, complete loss of vision), hearing impairments, users with motor limitations, and with cognitive differences.
The web accessibility of the university website has been improved through the DJ-Accessibility plugin, which has been integrated and configured according to its interface and requirements. The DJ-Accessibility plugin offers a wide range of tools that help adapt the website to the needs of users:
- font size adjustment – enables users to increase or decrease text for better readability;
- contrast modes – modifies the colour scheme for better visibility;
- link highlighting – simplifies navigation for people with visual impairments;
- line spacing adjustment – improves text readability;
- animation stop feature – reduces visual strain for users with cognitive impairments or epilepsy.
Implementing this approach on the university website provides equal access to education so that all students, lecturers, and visitors can obtain the necessary information without obstacles. It also ensures compliance with international standards WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), which set web accessibility requirements, enhances user experience, and makes the website more convenient for all user groups. Our policy is social responsibility and inclusivity.
The Digital Transformation Department