
Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy is a classical higher educational establishment of European level, an educational and research facility, one of the country’s centres of education, science, culture and spirituality.

The University holds the leading position among the educational institutions of the region, increases its rating in the world of science, it generates cultural-educational and social-patriotic initiatives, helps the local citizens to reveal new horizons of thinking and intellectual existence.

The essence and the goal of educational process at Cherkasy National is to provide state-of-the-art education, that gives the graduates the knowledge, skills and competences necessary to start a career in scientific and professional areas, to carry out research that would make a considerable contribution into the development of science and economy and foster the development of Cherkasy region, Ukraine and the world.

Students of Cherkasy National University are pragmatic, easy-going, determined, proactive, patriotic and romantic. They easily embrace the principles of academic mobility, value their identity and student fellowship, they treat education as a means of personal growth and socialization, they learn to think on a globally international scale. The University creates a common space for the students to express their creativity in study and in science.

The University has established itself as a higher educational establishment of European standards.

The pages of a century-old University history contain records of academicians and honoured instructors, heroes of war-time and peace-time deeds, artists and Olympic champions.

Our daily educational, research, and organizational activity justifies the truth honoured by time and experience: education received at Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy ensures success.

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