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The specialty "Medicine" is aimed at obtaining a doctor degree.

The doctor is a specialist who obtained a "Medical" degree (complete higher medical education) and is engaged in human health support or recovery through the prevention, diagnostics and treatment of diseases and injuries in the order established by the law.

According to the Resolution of The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on "Procedure for the Job Placement of the Publicly-Funded Graduates" No. 992 of 22.08.1996 (as amended 30 April 2015), the medicine is the only branch of study, implying that the high educational institutions provide their publicly-funded graduates with job placement in the state-owned sector of the national economy.

Also Postgraduate Medical Education includes a specialization, a training, etc..

In accordance with the Article 47 of the Law of Ukraine on "The Higher Education" it is possible to continue of training of graduates in medicinal residency, a clinical internship, etc..

Four durable practices in healthcare institutions of a city or area throughout the training are provided by a curriculum:

• patient care - 3 weeks on the 2nd year of studies;
• nurse practice - 3 weeks on the 3rd year of studies;
• medical professional practice - 4 weeks on the 4th year of studies;
• medical professional practice - 4 weeks on the 5th year of studies.

Clinical disciplines classes will take place on clinical sites of the university – in medical and preventive institutions of the city. The focus will be put on the developing practical skills being directly with a patient and treating him/her.

The doctor is the key person of the medical staff.

The studying is carried out according to the educational program of the general medical training followed by the specialization in an internship.

The internship is an obligatory form of primary specialization of medical specialists.

It is implemented in the medical educational institutions and Academies of Postgraduate Education at the place of assignment to work. During the internship a particular medical specialization is obtained:
• general practice – family medicine;
• therapy;
• surgery;
• obstetrics and gynecology;
• healing fitness and sports medicine;
• emergency medical treatment;
• anesthesiology;
• dermatovenerology;
• zymotic diseases;
• neuropathology;
• neurosurgery;
• oncology;
• orthopedics and traumatology;
• otolaryngology;
• ophthalmology;
• professional pathology;
• psychiatry;
• radiology;
• forensic medical analysis;
• urology;
• physiotherapy;
• phthisiology;
• doctor in radiation therapy;
• doctor in radionuclide diagnostics;
• virologist;
• geneticist;
• infection disease doctor;
• laboratory doctor (clinical pathologist);
• clinical pathologist in the field of genetics;
• autopsist;
• occupational physician;
• psychiatrist;
• adolescent doctor;
• factory's sector doctor;
• urologist;
• physical therapist;
• phthisiologist.

The classes of clinical disciplines will take place on the university clinical sites in medical and preventive institutions of the city. The focus will be put on developing practical skills being directly with a patient and treating him/her.

The university admits the citizens of Ukraine, foreign nationals, and stateless persons who have already completed their secondary education. Language of Instruction is Ukrainian or English as per the choice of the Student.