
Anna Kalantayeva, a 3rd year student of the Educational-Scientific Institute of Informational and Educational Technologies of Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, is studying under the Erasmus+ academic mobility programme at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences.

Anna shared her impressions of the studying process:

– The evaluation system is organized on a ten-point scale. Particularly, the IT direction is represented by three disciplines:

1) Introduction to Python and Data Exploration;

2) Introduction to Data Science;

3) Computer Architecture.

The specificity of the study consists in covering a substantial amount of theoretical materials during lectures, followed by students receiving homework with a deadline of one/two weeks.

It is worth noting that the work is predominantly done in groups of three, but with mandatory individual defence in front of the lecturer (question/answer format).

While studying computer architecture, in addition to covering lecture materials and taking online tests, students acquire skills in assembling/disassembling laptops during practical classes.

In addition, an interesting approach to teaching is the random selection of a student (“volunteer”) at the beginning of the lesson, who tells the stages of completing the homework.

Also, theoretical materials are available in advance for perusal, on the basis of which students can submit questions to the lecturer ahead of time using a special form, and then receive an answer directly at the lecture.

In general, I am satisfied with the Erasmus+ academic mobility programme, during which, in addition to productive studying, I also met a wide range of like-minded people and received a lot of positive impressions and useful experience.

The Educational-Scientific Institute of Informational and Educational Technologies